Mossy Oak



Whippoorwill is largely treeless, frequently presenting no discernible playing corridor — just a teebox (if you can find it) and a flag in the distance (if you can read it). If it sounds disorienting, it is. But the result isn’t chaos — it’s adventure.

Tom Coyne

Tom Coyne

“When we organize ourselves in groups — yeah, that kinda stinks, because we start to shout; we start to divide. But person to person, there hasn’t been a person that I haven’t enjoyed meeting and getting to know.”

Rod Perry

Rod Perry

“It’s just golf, man; 150 yards at Bethpage in New York is the same as 150 yards in Port Orange, Florida. I don’t drive it exceptionally far, and…I think game planning for the longer hitters, who are prone to take chances off the tee with different driving lines, becomes a little more difficult.”